easter greetings

Paste these 44 Unforgettable Easter Greetings in your messages Now!

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    Last Updated : Feb 22, 2024 @ 1:08 am

    Easter is an important day for Christians all over the world. Families and friends gather together to eat, play Easter games, have fun, and exchange Easter greetings with one another. Here are 44 Easter Greetings you can use this Easter!

    But first, how are Eggs and Bunnies related to Easter?

    โ€ฆabsolutely nothing. 

    Bunnies and Eggs were adopted into the early church from pagan worship in the early 4th centurty. You can find out more in the post  9 Truths about Easter that will shock you.

    Do you know who decided the Easter date? Read it HERE

    OK Now! Let's dive into these 44 incredible Easter Greetings!

    So What Do You Say/Write to Each Other during Easter?

    Of course, like any other holiday, you can safely start off with "HAPPY EASTER!" or if you are a Christian, then "He has Risen! Hallelujah!".

    You can respond in the same way or if you are not comfortable, just simply say "Same to you too" or "Thank you".

    (I would give you a warm hug and a smile/kiss, but I can't - thanks to the COVID19 virus..) 

    How Do You Create Your own custom Easter Greetings? 

    Below are some examples of phrases you can use as inspiration or seeds for your letters, greeting cards, or even text messages for your loved ones. 

    Remember that Easter is about hope, new beginnings, and new life. Your best custom message comes from your heart.

    So create your custom message with a relatable, lighthearted, funny quote/advice that is unique to you and your recipient. He or she will remember your personal and relatable messages or quotes for a lifetime.

    You can create your custom Easter message in 3 simple steps: 

      • Think of a personal problem/issue that your recipient/loved one is struggling with
      • Brainstorm and create your advice/blessing or just copy straight from the following greetings/Easter quotes that relate to the issue at hand using contractions and less than 20 words.
      • You can overlay your greeting with images using canva or just sent your text quote online/text messages with emoji or stickers. Finally end your greeting/message with "Happy Blessed Easter!"


    "Be strong! The sun will shine again tomorrow. Your new beginning starts today. Happy Easter."

    But if you are not close to the recipient, then don't bother.

    Just copy and paste any of the generic ones below would suffice. 

    Use these 44 Easter Greetings for Your Text Messages, Greeting cards, Emails and Letters.

    #1 "Wishing you an 'eggs-tra' ordinary Easter Sunday!"

    #2 "If you find the Easter Bunny's secret stashโ€ฆ Call me. Immediately!"

    #3 "If only Easter wasn't on a Sunday. Then I hope you enjoy your regular two-day weekend with extra candy!"

    #4 "Get ready for some 'eggs-tra' special, chocolate-filled surprises in your basket!"

    #5 "Get Fit! Remember: the longer you search for your Easter Eggs, the more CALORIES you BURN! Happy Easter!"

    #6 "An Easter Poem For You: Spring has sprung, The grass has riz, I wish I were in the chocolate Biz! Happy Easter."

    #7 "Always remember - You're 'somebunny 'special!"

    #8 "Love, chocolate, and sunshine-what more could you need? Have a blessed Easter!"

    #9 "Sending you 'eggstra' love today and always. Have a Happy & Blessed Easter!"

    #10 "Best wishes for a Happy Easter Day! May your future ever be as bright as the Springtime." Mary Owens Crowther

    #11 "You make my heart hop! Happy Easter, little one."

    #12 "May the Blessings and Joy of Easter be yours always"

    #13 "Have a Happy Easter as you gather with one another to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord." Charles Stanley

    #14 "Let this holiday be a reminder of the victory that we have in Christ, who overcame death and has promised that we too will be resurrected when He returns for us." Charles Stanley

    #15 "May You Enjoy Good Health and Happiness on this Joyous day! Happy Easter!"

    #16 Happy Easter! I congratulate all of you on the day of Light, Peace, Joy and the pledge of future eternal life and Bliss!" - Hegumen Nikon (Vorobyov),

    #17 "I am wishing you a happy Easter mingled with joy of all heavens." - Mary Burns

    #18"Hippity, hoppity all through the day as the bunny watch the children during their Easter play. It is fun to hop on Easter day." - Linda D. Miller

    #19 "Easter Bunny, thanks a bunch, I'll be busy until lunch. Hoppy Easter it will be For the Bunny and for me! " - Gintare Anand

    #20 "The Tomb is empty! Jesus Lives! Rejoice! Have a Blessed Happy Easter!" 

    #21 "Happy Resurrection Sunday! Rejoice! Halleluiah!"

    #22 "Happy Easter! On this day we celebrate how our Saviour Jesus stood for us and took the punishment that we deserved. But it wasn't a sacrifice, it was a victory!" - Dr. David Jeremiah

    #23 "May Easter inspire and renew you to become more like Christ! The old self is gone and the new you is here!  Rejoice! Happy Easter!"Just reminding you that in case the Easter Bunny doesn't stop by this year, you can just buy the candy for half-price on Monday. Happy Easter!

    #24 If you spot a bunny laying brown eggsโ€ฆ Don't eat them, they're probably not chocolate!

    #25 Hope you have a wonderful Easter, filled with chocolate, sunshine, and bunnies.

    #26 Hop, hop, hop! Hear that? It's the Easter Bunny on his way!

    #27 Time to paint some colorful eggs, eat a few chocolate bunnies, and spend time with friends and family. Happy Easter!

    #28 Get ready for some eggs-tra special, chocolate-filled surprises in your basket!

    #29 Giving thanks to friends like you is what Easter is all about. Enjoy the holiday!

    #30 Is there anything better than an Easter spent with some-bunny as sweet as you?

    #31 Easter is the best time to look for chicks. Good luck this Sunday!

    #32 Easter is great and all but I wouldn't mind finding chocolate in the backyard every Sunday.

    #33 No matter how much Easter candy you eat - I won't judge you. Just stay out of my basket!

    #34 Hope you have a cracking Easter with lots of fun and candy!

    #35 All I need besides chocolate and sunshine today is you. Happy Easter!

    #36 You make my heart hop! Happy Easter, little one.

    easter greetings


    #37 Happy Easter to my favorite little bunny.

    #38 You're such a good egg. Happy Easter to a sweet daughter/son!

    #39 Hop, hop, hop! Hear that? It's the Easter Bunny on his way!

    #40 Happy Easter to some-bunny who's very special to me!

    #41 Hopping by to wish you a very Happy Easter!

    #42 Jesus chooses to lay down on the cross in place of us so that we can have life. So great is his love for each one of us. Let us praise and worship Him. Have a Blessed Easter.

    #43 It's time to celebrate His greatest miracle of all. Happy Easter!

    #44 Here's to an Easter spent remembering what the holiday is really about: peace, forgiveness, and the gift of Jesus.

    If these are not enough, you may wish to try the following to customised your Easter greeting cards :

    That's all for now!

    Which of the above Easter greetings do you like the best?

    Let me know in the comments section below. Happy Easter!!

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