65 Quotes for Ramadan Mubarak! (Blessed Ramadan)
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Ramadan (“scorching heat” in Arabic) is every Muslims' holiest and most celebrated month of the Islamic calendar. During this time, you would hear Muslims exchanging greetings or quotes for Ramadan Mubarak which in Arabic means "Have a Blessed Ramadan!".
About 1.6 billion Muslims all round the globe observe this holy month by following mainly through fasting for 30 days and following the rules of Ramadan. At the end of the 30-day fast, Muslims will celebrate Eid al-Fitr or “the festival of breaking of the fast".
Here are 31 meaningful and Inspiring Ramadan Mubarak Quotes
#1. “Ramadan is a celebration of a faith known for great diversity and racial equality.”— Barack Obama.
#2. “Ramadan is one of the doors of mercy flung wide open as an opportunity for soul cleansing.” — Ahmed Rehab.
#3. “Sometimes you don't realize how special something is until you lose it. That's how I feel about Ramadan every year.”— Omar Suleiman.
#4. “There's a battle going on inside you in Ramadan, and for 30 days Allah gives you the power to win.”— Nouman Ali Khan.
#5. “In Ramadan, you should eat less and think more.”— Tariq Ramadan.
#6. “It's a tradition in Islamic society to issue pardons at the end of Ramadan.”— Hooman Majd.
#7. “And it is the month of sabr (patience); for sabr the reward is paradise.”— Ibn Khuzaima.
#8. “If any Muslim comes out of Ramadan without gaining forgiveness and goodness, he is a real loser.” — Ibn Hibban and Al-Tabarani.
#9. “When Ramadan begins, the gates of paradise are opened.”— Muhammad Al-Bukhari.
#10. “The month of Ramadan is superior to all other months, and the last ten nights are superior to the other nights.”— Ibn al-Qayyim.
#11. “I look back and half of Ramadan is over in the blink of an eye. Before I know it, I will be saying that about my entire life.”—Nouman Ali Khan.
#12. “Don’t give up on your dua (prayer). You don’t know where the response will come from or how many evils were averted from your path...”— Imam Suleiman Hani.
#13. “God takes note of His creatures’ true intentions. The Lord favors a man who intends to fast during Ramadan over a man who fasts because he can’t find food to eat anyway.”— Orhan Pamuk.
#14. “Ramadan is, in its essence, a month of humanist spirituality.”— Tariq Ramadan.
#15. “To fast is to identify our dependencies, and free ourselves from them.”― Tariq Ramadan.
#16. “The discipline of fasting breaks you out of the world's routine.”― Jentezen Franklin.
#17. “We observe that in the scriptures, fasting almost always is linked with prayer. Without prayer, fasting is not complete fasting; it’s simply going hungry.”― Joseph B. Wirthlin.
#18. “Periodic fasting can help clear up the mind and strengthen the body and the spirit.”― Ezra Taft Benson.
#19. “Start the practice of self-control with some penance; begin with fasting.”― Mahavira.
#20. “The people will remain upon goodness as long as they hasten to break their fast.”― Ibn Majah.
#21. “Fasting confirms our utter dependence upon God by finding in Him a source of sustenance beyond food.”― Dallas Willard.
#22. “Fasting is the first principle of medicine.”― Rumi.
#23. “Fasting is, first and foremost, an exercise for identifying and managing adversity in all its forms.” ― Tariq Ramadan.
#24. “In His infinite mercy, Allah has sent the light of Ramadan to erase the night.”― Yasmin Mogahed.
#25. “Have you ever wondered why we’re happy in Ramadan? Because we do what we were created to do.”— Sh. Alaa Elsayed.
#26. “Ramadan is a boot camp for the Muslim body and soul. In this Holy month, make every day count.”― Ibn Jeem.
#27. “He who gives iftar to another fasting person shall earn a reward equivalent to a fasting man without detracting from the reward of the latter.”— Al-Tirmidhi.
#28. “Supplicate. Three prayers are not rejected: the prayer of a father, the prayer of a fasting person, and the prayer of a traveler.”― Al-Baihaqi.
#29. “We must master our egoism, and through this mastery, step outside ourselves and educate ourselves in giving. Fasting requires that we rediscover all that is alive around us, and reconcile ourselves with our environment.” -Tariq Ramadan
#30. "Ramadhan is here, Here is Ramadan. Ramadhan is coming, The time that is blessed. Ramadan is coming, The time we love best. The month in which the Qur'an was sent; A time of great blessing in which to repent. Fasting for Allah is a great Muslim deed; Controlling desires and Suppressing greed. "- Zeeshan G.
#31. “The philosophy of fasting calls upon us to know ourselves, to master ourselves, and to discipline ourselves the better to free ourselves. To fast is to identify our dependencies, and free ourselves from them.” - Unknown
Here are 24 Quotes about Ramadan from the Qur’an, the Holy Prophet and Sacred Texts.
#1 “Iftar – The prophet used to break his fast by ripe dates or dates (in the absence of ripe dates or sips some water in the absence of dates) before praying.”― Holy Prophet Muhammad.
#2 “Fasting is a shield, it will protect you from the hell-fire and prevent you from sins.” ― Holy Prophet Muhammad.
#3 “When the month of Ramadan starts, the gates of heaven are opened and the gates of hell are closed and the devils are chained.” ― Holy Prophet Muhammad.
#4. “When the month of Ramadan arrives, the door of mercy are opened.”― Holy Prophet Muhammad.
#5. “Ramadan is the month whose beginning is mercy, whose middle is forgiveness and whose end is freedom from fire.”― Holy Prophet Muhammad.
#6. “Whosoever recites only one ‘Ayat’ in Holy Ramadan, he will be awarded as if he had recited the full Qur’an in other months.”― Holy Prophet Muhammad.
#7. “Allah has made Laylat al-Qadr (Night of Power) in this month, which is better than a thousand months.”— Surah Al-Qadar - 97:1-5.
#8. “Allah intends for your ease and does not intend for your hardship and [wants] for you to complete the period.”— Surah Al-Anbya - 2:185.
#9. “…But to fast is best for you, if you only knew.”— Surah Al-Baqarah - 2:184.
#10. “Eat and drink until the white thread of day becomes distinct to you from the black thread (of the night). Then complete the fast until sunset.”— Surah Al-Baqarah - 2:187
#11. “The month of Ramadhan [is that] in which was revealed the Qur’an, a guidance for the people and clear proofs of guidance and criterion.” — Surah Al-Baqarah - 2:185.
#12. “O you who believe. Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that you may learn God-consciousness and self-restraining fear.”— Surah Al-Baqarah - 2:183.
#13. “Whoever prayed at night in it (the month of Ramadan) out of sincere Faith and hoping for a reward from Allah, then all his previous sins will be forgiven.”― Sahih Bukhari, Book 32.
#14. "The month of Ramadan is the one in which the Qur’ān was revealed as guidance for mankind, and as clear signs that show the right way and distinguish between right and wrong. " - Qur’an 2: 185
#15. “Allah says about the fasting person - He has left his food, drink, and desires for my sake, The fast is for me, So I will reward (The fasting person) for it and the reward of good deeds is multiplied ten times.”― Sahih Bukhari, Book 6.
#16. “Whoever Allah wishes to show goodness, he gives him understanding of the religion.”― Sahih Bukhari, Book 1.
#17. "When My servants ask you about Me, I am always near. I answer their prayers when they pray to Me. The people shall respond to Me and believe in Me, in order to be guided." -Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:186
#18. “Whosoever fasts in Ramadan and then follows it with fasting for six days of Shawwal, it is as if he fasts forever.”― Sahih Bukhari, Book 6.
#19. “Whoever stands (in the voluntary night prayer) in Laylat Al-Qadr out of faith and in hope of reward, his previous sins will be forgiven.”― Sunan an-Nasa'i 5027
#20. “Anyone who fasts for one day for Allah’s sake, Allah will keep his face away from the Hellfire for (a distance covered by a journey of) seventy years.”― Sahih Bukhari, Book 1.
#21. "Allah is with those who restrain themselves." - Quran 16: 128
#22. "O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become righteous." - Quran, 2: 183
#23 “Those who turn to God, and those who serve, who praise, who fast, who bow down, who prostrate themselves, who enjoin what is just and forbid what is evil, and keep to the bounds of God & hell; wherefore bear these good tidings to the faithful.” - Quran 9:112
#24 "Happy now the Believers, who humble themselves in their prayer, and who keep aloof from vain words, and who are doers of alms-deeds, and who restrain their appetites.” - Quran 23:1-7
Here are 10 Funny Ramadan Quotes
#1. “Kind advice to all Muslims. Dear fasting people! Consider iftar as iftar, not walima.”
#2. “Normal Days - Q: When is Maghrib? Ans: I don’t know. In Ramadan - Q: When is Maghrib? Ans: 7:30 & 44 secs”
#3. “Ramadan is the only month that your parents let you stay out till 5 in the morning”
#4. “Ramadan is that time of the year when we all find out how many friends we really have.”
#5. “Ramadan is the month where you realize that you’re either going to get fat or go to jail.”
#6. “Ramadan is the perfect time to reflect on your diet and make healthy changes for the new year.”
#7. “Ramadan is the month of giving, and I’m going to give you a break from all your fasting.”
#8. “Ramadan is about losing sins, not weight.”
#9. “Drinking water the last minute of suhoor is an extreme sport” - Twitter
#10. “Guess which fool woke up late for Suhoor?” - Twitter
There you are - the Top 63 Quotes for Ramadan Mubarak!
Let me know in the comments below what is your favourite quote?
Have a Happy Ramadan!